News Stories and Events | What’s happening at IG Lintels
  • Summer Site Competition Summer is here and IG Lintels wants to see your Summer Sites! July 3, 2024 - Share your building project with us and be in with the chance to win some sizzling Summer prizes! Throughout Summer 2024, IG Lintels is asking Builders to share their building projects with us on LinkedIn, showing off all things lintels, from installations to deliveries. Upload the best photo over the month and you could win one of three great Summer… more
  • mmm cover 2024 Merchant Market Maker Issue 8 – Online Now June 17, 2024 - Keystone Group is proud to bring you the latest edition of Merchant Market Maker, featuring all the latest news from the Builders Merchant industry. Including interviews with merchants from across the UK & Ireland and the best margin making opportunities. We spoke with Karol McGuckin, CEO of MacBlair, about some of the key challenges in the current climate for merchants… more
  • Finance Awards Wales IG Steel Lintels wins the 2024 Finance Team of the Year award! June 12, 2024 - Showcasing the best in Finance talent, the Finance Awards Wales awards are designed to recognise, attract, and invest in the talented finance professionals working in Wales. Recently scooping the award for the Medium/Large Finance Team of the Year, this is why the IG team made such a great impression: IG Steel Lintels is a proud industry leader in products and… more
  • Lintel solutions meet the non-combustible challenge January 2, 2024 - Following the introduction of the government’s revised Building Regulations Document B in 2019, mandating more rigorous fire safety measures, specifiers have been required to find solutions that meet the new Class A1 non-combustible standards. IG Lintels looks into the use of non-combustible materials on exterior walls of certain multi-occupancy residential buildings over 11 metres tall, and why single outer leaf… more
  • Hi-therm+ Lintel leads the sustainability pack November 28, 2023 - IG’s award winning and BBA approved Hi-therm+ Lintel has evolved. This low-cost solution for reduced carbon emissions has upgraded insulation that delivers a 20% improvement in thermal perfromance, ensuring Hi-therm+ leads the pack when it comes to construction sustainability. IG has not rested on its laurels and continues to innovate. The Hi-therm+ Lintel’s pre-fitted insulation now comes with a higher… more

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